iPhone X | 让我们来谈谈自拍这件事


苹果最近在他们那个名为“Shot on iPhone”的Campaign下又发布了一条最新广告,广告主要是为了推广iPhone X 的自拍功能。


I Am The Greatest By Cassius Clay.

This is the legend of Cassius Clay, the most beautiful fighter in the world today.

He talks a great deal and brags indeed-y of a muscular punch that's incredibly speedy.

The fistic world was dull and weary. With a champ like Liston, things had to be dreary.

Then someone with color - someone with dash - brought fight fans running with cash.

This brash, young boxer is something to see. And the heavyweight championship is his destiny.

This kid fights great. He's got speed and endurance. But if you sign to fight him, increase your insurance.

This kid's got a left. This kid's got a right. If he hits you once, you're asleep for the night.

And as you lie on the floor while the ref counts 10, you pray that you won't have to fight me again.

For I am the man this poem is about, the next champ of the world, there isn't a doubt.

If Cassius says a cow can lay an egg, don't ask how. Grease that skillet.

He is the greatest. When I say two, there's never a third. Betting against me is completely absurd.

When Cassius says a mouse can outrun a horse, don't ask how. Put your money where your mouse is.

这支广告于美国1月22日晚间在AFC / NFC NFL锦标赛期间亮相,主要是为了突出表现iPhone X的肖像照明功能,因此他们这次选择了一种用多种色彩,多个年龄段以及多个种族的人群,以肖像照蒙太奇的方式搭配阿里的配音来展现。据苹果公司方面表示,之所以选择用阿里来作为VO,是因为阿里代表了那种“无需假装谦虚也依然能有一番成就”的精神,所以,不用太过羞于展示自己,要自拍,那就大胆秀出来!